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dc.contributor.authorSari, Dewi Kartika
dc.contributor.authorKumorotomo, Wahyudi
dc.contributor.authorKurnia, Novi
dc.description.abstractNationalism has emerged to be discussed in this modern era due to the emergence of a globalized society. Its delivery structure of nationalism message is significant to be investigated due to its impact on the self-determination of a nation so that nationalism spreads among civil society. In the Indonesian context, discussions of Indonesia’s Independence Day arise as a response to this self-determination. Its discussion came up in a face-to-face conversation, as well as on Twitter through the #HUTRI76 network. As a microblogging platform, Twitter was able to facilitate discussion of Indonesian in articulating their Independence Day. The concept of nationalism was utilized to sharpen the analysis. Hence, the social network analysis method has been applied to explore various metrics in the #HUTRI76 Twitter network. The results showed some influencers who varied in their profession, emerged and played a role in sparking discourse on Indonesia’s Independence Day. The discussion of Indonesian Independence Day on Twitter was a reproduction message of the government. Moreover, users engaged the varied media to cross-posting their messages as regards Indonesia’s Independence Day, which means Twitter acts as a hub through hyperlinks embedded in tweets.en_US
dc.publisherSocial Network Analysis and Miningen_US
dc.subjectIndependence dayen_US
dc.subjectSocial network analysisen_US
dc.titleDelivery structure of nationalism message on Twitter in the context of Indonesian netizensen_US

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