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Resource capability for local government in managing disaster
(Disaster Prevention and Management: An International Journal, 2010)Purpose: The paper aims to flesh out the capability requirements of local government institutions in pre-, during, and post-disaster activities which can act as a useful guide for researchers, bureaucrats, and independent ... -
Bridging the gaps: The role of local government capability and the management of a natural disaster in Bantul, Indonesia
(Natural Hazards, 2012)This paper examines local government capability in managing pre-, during and post-natural disaster in Indonesia. The case study is the Bantul local government which had experience in managing the 2006 earthquake. Bantul ... -
The Act of Killing and the Look of Silence: A critical reflection
(Crime, Media, Culture, 2017)These notes from the field explore the author's reflections on contemporary debates around the 1965 Indonesian mass killings, using two documentary films, The Act of Killing and The Look of Silence, as an entry point. The ... -
Asymmetrical Decentralization, Representation, and Legitimacy in Indonesia
(Asian Survey, 2018)This article discusses the questions of representativeness and legitimacy within the context of the Majelis Rakyat Papua (Papuan People s Assembly) as an integral part of the Indonesian government s asymmetrical-decentralization ... -
Building up trust in peaceful and democratic one Asia
(Cultura. International Journal of Philosophy of Culture and Axiology, 2017)Globalization cannot be stopped nor denied. Sometimes it may have not only a positive impact but also a negative one, as rivalry among nations may ensue. Economic and political rivalry leads to break up of the conducive ... -
Institutional conformance of Halal certification organisation in Halal tourism industry: The cases of Indonesia and Thailand
(Tourism, 2018)This article discusses the institutional conformance of Halal Certification Organisation (HCO) to the development of Halal Tourism Industry (HTI). It seeks to understand how the HCO, which provides Halal certification for ... -
Survival against the odds: The djunaid family of Pekalongan, central Java
(South East Asia Research, 2016)Scholars suggest that Indonesian decentralization and electoral democracy has facilitated the emergence of new elites and their families at both the national and local levels (Agustinus, 2010; Eriyanto, 2012; Hadiz, 2004). ... -
Poverty viewed from the perspective of domestic production in Yogyakarta: The Solow growth model approach
(International Journal of Business and Globalisation, 2020)This aim of this study was to determine the impact of human capital variables on the probability of poor families. The research was conducted based on the data collected in SUSENAS in province of special region of Yogyakarta, ... -
The 2019 Presidential Election and the BRI's Prospects in Indonesia
(China Quarterly of International Strategic Studies, 2020)Indonesia's 2019 presidential election was the latest testament to the popularity of Joko Widodo and his economy-focused domestic agenda. With a stronger popular mandate and a team of rivals standing united behind him, ... -
The Political Process of Bureaucratic Reform: Wonosobo Regional Government Experience from 2011-2015
(Jurnal Ilmu Sosial dan Ilmu Politik, 2019)This study examines the political process of bureaucratic reform in Wonosobo regional government from 2011-2015. The article uses political and bureaucratic frameworks to describe the interplay of bureaucrats and politicians ... -
Dawr al-mar'ah f? usrat al-salaf?yah al-jih?d?yah f? fard al-indib?t 'alá jism al-abn?'
(Studia Islamika, 2019)In a radical group, women have strategic and signicant roles as a martyr, creating some kindship genealogies, recruiting members, and reproducing religious values for their family members. is paper intends to study more ... -
Introduction: Global Welfare Regimes Revisited
(Social Policy and Society, 2020)[No abstract available] -
Scoping review: Health needs of the family caregivers of elderly stroke survivors
(Health and Social Care in the Community, 2021)This scoping review mapped out the relevant literature, identified gaps and made suggestions on the subject of the health needs of family caregivers (FC) of elderly stroke survivors (ESS). The authors utilised the PRISMA-ScR ... -
Built to Last: Sustainability of Early Childhood Education Services in Rural Indonesia
(Journal of Development Studies, 2021)This paper studies the sustainability of preschools established under a large-scale project in rural Indonesia. We returned to project villages three years after the project closed to understand why some preschools were ... -
A systematic review of international franchising
(Multinational Business Review, 2021)Purpose: This paper aims to provide a bibliometric meta-analysis of the already substantial and growing literature on international franchising. Franchising is a model for businesses to achieve scale with limited resources. ... -
From fiqh to political advocacy: Muhammadiyah's ecological movement in the post new order indonesia
(Studia Islamika, 2021)This paper investigates how Indonesia's Islamic modernist movement, Muhammadiyah, is responding to issues such as environment degradation, global warming and climate change. Muhammadiyah has not adopted the ecology paradigm ... -
Network Structure and Collaborative Management in Natural Resource and Environmental Management: A Literature Review
(International Journal of Social Ecology and Sustainable Development, 2022)Collaborative management is one approach to the management of common pool resources at the local level. The study of collaborative management is expected to offset the weakness of the hierarchical and market approach that ... -
Sovereignty in crisis: Deterritorialization of state sovereignty after tsunami aceh 2004; [Soberanía en crisis: Desterritorialización de la soberanía estatal después del tsunami Aceh 2004]
(Sociologia y Tecnociencia, 2021)The main purpose of this study was to analyze how the concept of state sovereignty is experiencing a crisis due to a major natural disaster. By using the illustration of the 2004 Aceh earthquake and tsunami, the concept ... -
Indonesia s foreign policy regarding the forced displacement of Rohingya refugees
(Asia Pacific Journal on Human Rights and the Law, 2021)This article analyses Indonesia s foreign policy with respect to Myanmar and the forced displacement of more than 1 million Rohingya refugees from Rakhine State, Myanmar. Its main concern is to evaluate the effectiveness ... -
Scoping review: Influence of cisgender male and female genders on health literacy of the elderly people
(Health and Social Care in the Community, 2022)This scoping review mapped out the relevant literature, identified gaps and made suggestions on the influence of cisgender on the health literacy (HL) of the elderly people. This scoping review was guided by the PRISMA-ScR ...